Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Healing Instructions for Fever

(If you want to be healed for fever or have any questions around pranic healing for fever, please mail us at slickmovies@gmail.com)

You must have noticed that in the time of season transitions people get concerned about their health and mostly, talk about preventive measures so they can avoid fever or any such condition leading to physical distress. But suppose even after taking all the care, if someone you know falls sick and catches fever, then how would you help him to get well? 

There are many options: 1) give prescribed medicines 2) do pranic healing for fever, and 3) use home remedies for fever.

The first option can be adopted if there is hurry or you feel you cannot handle this situation. However, if you are trained in pranic healing, you can opt for the second alternative. Home remedies can be used simultaneously.

(Also read Healing for Headache: http://pranic-hub.blogspot.in/2011/08/healing-for-headache-day-25.html)

Healing Instructions For FeverNow, before you begin to treat something, you have to know why certain condition develops in the body (in this case, our focus is on fever). So let’s find out what happens inside the body due to which fever is manifested.

Causes of fever

In fever, the energy level of our body goes down; the solar plexus chakra becomes overactive due to energy congestion; the basic chakra also becomes overactive but remains to be depleted. An imbalance in these energy fields potentially affects nearby and other regions of the physical body also. So while doing healing, you need to treat not just them but other areas also.

For advanced learners, I'd recommend the book Siddhanath Surya Yoga (Basic) : Pranic Healing with Solar Power. The book is expensive, but you can combine it with today's offer on Infibeam to get a discount.

Healing techniques for fever

Pranic healing for fever can be done through basic and advanced methods. Basic techniques involve simple healing touch and advanced practices use different colors with healing touch to treat concerned areas. Everything else remains to be the same.

In case of children and infants, colors should not be used.
Steps to heal fever through Pranic Healing

In healing, two things are important scanning and cleansing. Throughout this process, you scan and re-scan your patient’s whole body to understand where energy is blocked or depleted and accordingly, apply cleansing techniques. Now, keeping these two factors in mind, let’s take a look at the breakdown of the steps.

1. Scan your patient’s body including aura, chakras, and organs with full attention. You can re-scan his body to be double sure

2. Apply general sweeping from head to toe multiple times covering his aura. Advanced healers can use light whitish green prana and light whitish blue prana alternately in general sweeping. This step will bring patient’s temperature down and give some relief

3. Apply localized sweeping now. Begin with solar plexus chakra cleaning it from back and front. Make sure to clean patient’s liver also because solar plexus chakra supports liver. Once thorough cleaning is done, you can energize the front chakra. Advanced healers can use light whitish green prana and light whitish blue prana on the chakra for energizing purpose

4. Clean heart chakra from front and back. Since solar plexus and heart chakras are closely located to each other, hence cleaning heart chakra right after solar plexus is necessary. Just remember after cleaning front and back heart chakra, you would need to energize it. But, energy should be given from the back heart chakra only as it’s a delicate area. Advanced healers use light whitish green and ordinary light whitish violet colors in energizing. This step will help you activate thymus gland of the patient. Thymus gland increases immunity and fights infection.

 5. Apply localized sweeping on lungs to cleanse blood and heal lung infection. As soon as lungs are cleaned, you can energize them from the back making sure when you send energy your fingers are safely positioned away from the patient’s head.  Colors recommended for advanced healers for use in energizing include light whitish green and light whitish orange.

6. Do local sweeping on front and back spleen chakra till the time it’s fully clean. Do not energize this chakra as it can lead to rise in blood pressure levels.

7. Clean lower abdomen and navel chakra next to deal with any kind of intestinal infection. Once both these are cleansed thoroughly, give energy to navel chakra. Advanced healers can use light whitish blue prana and ordinary light whitish violet prana for energizing.

8. Apply local sweeping on basic chakra and hand and sole chakras.

9.  Gently sweep ajna, forehead, crown, throat, back head minor, and jaw minor chakras followed by the process of energizing them.

10. Stabilize the chakras and release.

(Note: This treatment can be done twice or thrice a day depending on the condition of your patient)

Home remedies for fever

Along with applying pranic healing methods, you can administer home remedies to patient so he can recover faster. Some age-old home solutions that are found to be effective in the treatment of viral fever include:

  • Decoction of basil leaves
  • Herbal or green tea 
  • Fenugreek water
  • Coriander seed solution

Herbal or green tea is available in the market, so you don’t have to put in much effort here. But, others need some preparation. Here is how you can prepare them at home.

Preparing home remedies for fever

Making decoction of basil leaves -> Boil fresh basil (Tulsi) leaves in one liter of water till the water is reduced by half. Cool down this solution and give this to the patient to drink thrice or four times, spread over a day.

Making fenugreek water -> Leave one spoon of fenugreek seeds in half cup of water at night and filter this solution in the morning. Give it to the patient at regular intervals for relief.

Making coriander seed solution -> Mix one spoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water and boil it for few minutes. Strain this solution and it’s ready to drink. Milk and sugar can also be added to this solution in small quantity for better taste.

Try pranic healing and home remedies for treating fever at home. These alternative methods are found to be safe and effective. Nevertheless, if there is no satisfactory improvement in the condition of your patient, do consult a doctor for medical assistance.

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